Give a Spark

Every October, each Alaskan—big and small—receives a PFD (if they qualify and have completed their applications by the March deadline, that is). Not only is this an exciting time, the PFD is something we all hold close to our hearts.
Since 2008, Pick.Click.Give. (PCG) has made it possible to pay it forward to nonprofit organizations across the state that enrich the lives of ALL Alaskans. From preserving indigenous culture to providing educational opportunities, from rescuing animals to providing shelter for those in need, from leading public safety initiatives to creating safe spaces for LGBTQ youth, and the list goes on—there is at least one mission we care about and identify with.
Did you know there are over 600 organizations to choose from when designating your charity on your PFD application? It’s amazing to think about the passion behind the meaningful work being done each day to brighten and strengthen the communities throughout our state. Your donation, big or small, means so much to the progress of that work. PCG is an opportunity to engage in philanthropy and support a cause you love. Not only can you give to a cause that is meaningful to you, your children can as well.
One of our Camp Fire Kids has been giving to Camp Fire Alaska through PCG for the past couple of years. We are amazed at his kindness and compassion. He always sends a card at the end of the year, stating what he would like the money to be put towards; this year it is scholarships so that other kids may have a chance to attend camp.
That is exactly what PCG means for Camp Fire Alaska: that more families will be able to afford to send their kids to camp. It means kids will have a place to go while their parents are at work. It means that kids will have FUN in a SAFE and ENGAGING environment where they build HEALTHY relationships with other youth and staff, all while discovering their spark.