Dear Camp K: A Teen Leader’s Letter to Camp
It’s not unusual to watch tears flow when our campers and staff say “Goodbye!” at the end of each session or during the final days of Camp K for the year. Summer is a season of growth, adventure, and unforgettable memories at Camp K. For many young adults, it’s also a time of transformation and self-discovery.
At Camp Fire Alaska, the Leader in Training (L.I.T.) program offers teens a unique opportunity to embark on a journey that leads them from being campers to growing the skills they need in order to become future summer camp counselors. At the end of the 4-week session, Summer wrote her letter to Camp K and to future L.I.T.’s, reflecting on her favorite moments and sharing her thoughts.
Dear Future L.I.T.’s,
I hope you tape the art campers make you above your beds.
I hope the sleeves that have been torn from tie-dye shirts with signatures, and photos of past L.I.T.’s are still nailed, pinned, and glued above the door.
I hope you all sing, laugh, and play together, and I wish you all get along and make new friends at Camp K.
I hope you sing at circle ups, wear colorful tie-dye, and do silly things together.
Because these were all my favorite parts of camp as an L.I.T.