Operating Safely Under COVID-19

With the health and safety top of mind for our employees, the youth and families we serve, and the general public, Camp Fire Alaska is taking steps to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Our leadership team continues to regularly review and follow advisement from the CDC, as well as state and municipal guidelines.
We hope that the FAQs below help answer some of your initial questions, please reach-out to us if you have additional questions.
Is the Camp Fire office open?
Our physical office in Mountain View is closed. However, office staff are working remotely Monday through Friday from 9am until 5pm. Contact staff directly during business hours – you can find staff contact info online: www.campfireak.org/about-us/staff Please be patience with our response time during this period. We will do our best to respond within a day.
Who do I contact with general questions during this time?
For general questions please email campfire@campfireak.org or call our main line (907) 279-3551.
I have a meeting or interview scheduled with Camp Fire Alaska. Are those being held?
We will not hold in-person meetings or interviews while the office is closed, instead we will be moving to video or conference call. Non-essential meetings will be rescheduled. Feel free to reach out to the person you’re scheduled with or know that our staff will be reaching out regarding meeting adjustments.
Are youth programs being held?
Camp Fire Alaska’s school programs closed after spring break, March 13. On April 6, we opened two Emergency Programs for children of healthcare workers and first responders. On June 1, Camp SI-La-Meo and Summer Adventure Camp opened to a smaller number of campers. To register for our summer or fall waitlist, go to www.campfireak.org/register.
We plan to continue running Emergency Programs as long as there is a need in the community and until the emergency hunker down order is rescinded. Registration for Emergency Programs can be found at www.campfireak.org/register
What if a program is cancelled that required a fee to attend?
Like many of our peers, as a result of COVID-19 related closures, Camp Fire Alaska is experiencing financial losses. In lieu of a refund, we ask that you consider either holding your fee as a credit for future program registration or redirecting your fee as a tax-deductible donation supporting our mission. If your child is a participant in a cancelled program, we will email you directly with program updates.
What can I expect for summer camp?
Summer camp is a highlight of the year for everyone – campers, parents and our staff! Due to concerns around COVID-19, we have cancelled all sessions in June and July for Camp K. Camp Si-La-Meo and Summer Adventure Camp will open on June 1 as scheduled with a smaller number of campers due to current health and safety restrictions and recommendations. We follow best practices within the camp community to ensure the safety, health and well-being of our campers and staff as well as following local, state and federal mandates during this pandemic.
We will continue to monitor and provide updates for our summer camp programs as we know more. We will update our website and communicate directly with registered families in the event of program adjustments.
Please add campfire@campfireak.org to your contact/safe list to ensure you receive these updates. If you believe you have unsubscribed, email us at campfire@campfireak.org and we’ll help you re-subscribe.
My family needs to cancel our summer camp registration. What are our options and how do we cancel?
We are waiving change fees and our cancellation notice to two weeks before the start of your summer camp session. To help ease uncertainty, we are waiving our change fee and our cancellation notice to one week before the start of your summer camp session. Support from our community is needed as we face financial challenges stemming from COVID-19. We invite you to help as you’re able to when cancelling this year’s camp registration.
As it relates to camp payments, we’re asking families to consider the following options:
· If you are in a position to donate your camp fee, please consider doing so. All donations are tax-deductible.
· Alternatively, consider holding your payment as a credit toward a future camp program (this credit does not expire).
· We will gladly issue refunds if that is what best serves your family at this time.
A combination of these options can also be arranged. Email us at campfire@campfireak.org. We look forward to your future participation in our programs.
What can I expect next school year?
Camp Fire Alaska partners with the Anchorage School District to run school programs in 28 elementary schools in Anchorage and Eagle River. Registration for next school year is open to all students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Go to www.campfireak.org/register to sign up for next year. Our school programs are scheduled to start on August 25, 2020. We will follow ASD and municipal guidelines around any changes to school start times as a result of COVID-19.
What is the status of Camp Fire Alaska Events?
We deeply value the opportunity to connect our supporters to the impact and mission of educational programs for Alaska youth, and will be making appropriate adjustments to upcoming events. Visit our website for updates, cancellations or adjustments.
In the spirit of our core values, we want to share our sincere gratitude for families and donors who are reaching out to share your concern and dedication to our team and programs.
It is clear this situation will have some impact on our services and finances – as with many organizations and businesses. In this uncertain time, we are thankful for your continued support of our mission and the youth we serve.