Camp Fire Alaska | Light the Fire Within

Blog Archive

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day 2020

How often do we stop to tell the kids and teens in our lives how incredible they are?

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CAMP K: May 31 to July 30 · Challenger Trek: Bringing back our longer session with a twist · Survivor: Come and see if you have what it takes · Expedition Halibut Cove: Hike to a glacier, explore tidepools, kayak… Read More >

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Give a Spark


Not only is this an exciting time, the PFD is something we all hold close to our hearts.

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Best of Alaska

camp fire alaska

We are thrilled and honored to receive recognition from Anchorage Daily News as Best Summer Camp in Alaska.

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Camp Fire Alaska does a Holiday Service Learning Project!

This holiday season, we partnered with RuralCAP’s Elder Mentor Program on a Service Learning Project.

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It Begins with Respect

“Respect.” says Hannah.“Teaching and reinforcing good manners was a huge thing for me.

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10 Reasons to Choose Camp Fire Before & After School

While it’s true that we’re leaping to start our summer camp season, Camp Fire’s heart and soul is our Before and After School Program.

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The Camp Fire Alaska main office operates on the ancestral land of the Dena’ina people. Camp Fire Alaska runs programing on the lands of the Athabascan, Yup’ik, Chup’ik, Sougpiaq, and Inupiaq peoples. We value and thank them for their current and historic commitment to and protection of this land. We pledge to assist, in partnership, in the environmental stewardship of these lands. We strive to learn more about the history of the Native peoples of Alaska and the historic trauma they have suffered. We commit to being an active ally through activities, actions, and organizational decisions and practices. We understand that this is a dynamic process through which our Land Acknowledgement practices, and statement will evolve as we receive feedback from tribal partners and acquire a deeper understanding of and from the Native peoples of Alaska..  (v2)