Our Rural Alaska Program is gearing up for yet another summer. This year, we are offering both an in person model and a distribution model. Here are the communities we are working with to bring Camp Fire Alaska fun… Read More >
The Earth is awesome, but we already knew that. What we didn’t know is what our Camp Fire Kids love about the Earth and how they are choosing to celebrate Earth Day!
Adapting and revamping our jobs to meet Covid-19 guidelines in our School Age Program was a little daunting at first and felt difficult, but after spending some time getting our feet under us, the changes were ok and we got… Read More >
Between Si-La-Meo, Camp K, and Summer Adventure Camp, a lot of our challenges in 2021 revolved around creating and monitoring the COVID-19 mitigation procedures.
The Camp Fire Alaska main office operates on the ancestral land of the Dena’ina people. Camp Fire Alaska runs programing on the lands of the Athabascan, Yup’ik, Chup’ik, Sougpiaq, and Inupiaq peoples. We value and thank them for their current and historic commitment to and protection of this land. We pledge to assist, in partnership, in the environmental stewardship of these lands. We strive to learn more about the history of the Native peoples of Alaska and the historic trauma they have suffered. We commit to being an active ally through activities, actions, and organizational decisions and practices. We understand that this is a dynamic process through which our Land Acknowledgement practices, and statement will evolve as we receive feedback from tribal partners and acquire a deeper understanding of and from the Native peoples of Alaska.. (v2)