Virtual Camp!

Camp Fire Alaska is offering virtual camp for the first time ever and it kicks off tomorrow!
Join us for six weeks of Virtual Camp!
Every Thursday, starting June 18, we will email out a list of activities weekly that will get youth out in nature, learning about science, practicing art or cooking skills, and having fun. If you are not on our mailing list, we will also be sharing weekly on our Facebook!
Then, each Wednesday starting June 24, we will gather on an optional Zoom call with a chance to show-and-tell about completed camp activities from the previous week and participate in an interactive group activity. You will receive a link to the Zoom chat with each weekly email! We will also share meeting ID on Facebook.
Youth can attend one week or attend them all! There is no cost to participate and activities can be done at your own pace.
To view the complete 6-week camp guide, click here. If you have further questions, email