Summer Camp is Here!

Last week was our first week of camp, and it was a blast! Campers are extremely glad to be back at camp with other kids after months of quarantine. While it isn’t exactly the same as Camp Fire summer camps they are used to, they are adjusting well to new routines. Campers and counselors are very excited to be spending time with others and be out of the house!
Currently, we are running Camp Si-La-Meo and Summer Adventure Camp. Kids have been enjoying activities like dancing, hiking, nature walks, storytelling, and recreational games in fun, safe environments allowing for physical distancing. Our camper cohorts are smaller than we are all used to but we are taking the opportunity to develop tighter bonds with our campers and we making the best out of our modified programs!
Even though we can’t high five and hug right now, it has been so nice to spend time with each other outside in the sunny warm weather and be able to interact in person! We are looking forward to the coming weeks and are so happy to be running camps this summer for kids and families in Anchorage and Eagle River.

Interested in registering for camp? We encourage that you sign up to be on the waitlist even if you don’t see openings on our website currently—spaces open up sporadically with changing information regarding COVID-19. Click here to register.
COMING SOON! We will be offering a free virtual summer camp program starting next week. Be on the look-out for details!