Summer 2022 Wrap Up
Summer is always a journey at Camp Fire Alaska!
After countless hours of preparation and training and 10 weeks of high energy programming across Alaska, this year’s journey has officially come to a close. Join us as we wrap-up another summer by sharing a recap from each camp and hearing what some of our Camp Fire Alaska Staff’s favorite moments were.
Camp K
Summer at Camp K was incredible! We had the fullest camp yet with up to 94 kids each week thanks to our new cabins at upper camp! The counselors this year ran some brand-new creative activities including a camp carnival, a great “smookie” heist, a slip n slide on the hill, and so many more. Our Leaders in Training (LiTs) were a new addition to camp, which was such a great experience for our teens and our younger campers.
Camp SLM
Camp Si-La-Meo had an amazing 2022 summer! We welcomed back rock climbing, swimming, and field trip add-ons. We also introduced our new Counselor in Training (CiT) program which allowed us to serve and train the 14-15 year olds of our camp. It was so good to see 160+ campers singing, laughing, and making memories. We can’t wait to see what next summer brings.

The Camp Fire Alaska Rural Program visited 29 communities this summer with our first back-in-person year since 2019. Communities expressed gratitude for having Camp Fire back helping create spaces for communities to gather and kids to play!

Summer Adventure Camp
Summer Adventure Camp was full of laughter, bonds, and adventure! The nine weeks truly, went by so fast. Fun was the center and goal in all activities we did this summer! Strong caring relationships were cultivated across participants and staff. Field trips got us out of the schools to deepen learning and have new experiences and adventures.
Our Staff’s Favorite Memories

Summer Adventure Camp Staff
“I worked at Si-La-Meo and my favorite moment was when my kids and I made a huge spider costume for me to wear and then I chased them around at circle for Wear-it Wednesday. It got us bragging rights. They worked really hard on it, then they sprayed me with silly string!”
“I loved seeing all of the awesome team work between the campers during the final relay at Camp K, watching them eat – or try to eat – with whacky utensils like pie servers and tongs at dinner time and also witnessing the polar plunge for the first time!”

Camp Si-La-Meo Staff
“My favorite moment this summer was my first day at SLM. A kiddo I’ve worked with before that knows my real name saw me and blurted it out in excitement. Everyone around her heard her and all of those kids found out my real name. It’s a rule at camp to only reveal your real name the last day of camp!”
“One of the CiT’s at camp SLM told me that he was going after Hiker’s job and wanted to become the rock wall specialist. He had a plan of how to do that with work experience and at one point this summer told Hiker that he was fired! He was such a hoot!”

Camp K Staff
“My favorite summer memory was doing the Cha Cha Slide with all my kids, as well as our goodbye pizza party brought lots of memories!”
“My favorite memory from this year was drawing fun cartoon characters for all the kids. They loved whenever I drew characters like Mario and Sonic! The kids always enjoyed a silly drawing on the board.”
“My favorite part of summer was swimming!!!”

Rural Alaska Program Staff
“I enjoyed seeing the LiT’s in action. Knowing so many of them started as campers and had the desire to come back to camp and learn how to share camp magic with other youth was such a cool thing to see.”
“My favorite camp memory from this summer was seeing kids that I haven’t worked with in a couple of years.”
“My favorite thing this summer was leading pep rallies at Rogers Park and morning circle at Si-La-Meo!”