Program Update

The return to in-person learning for all elementary students and Camp Fire’s Before and After School Programs is underway and it feels good to be making this steady return to operations after almost a year. We are looking forward to continuing this trend as we prepare to head into the last quarter of the school year and gear up for summer.

We are currently operating at 12 locations, which is a little less than half the number of sites from previous years. The pandemic continues to affect our operations, but we are slowly recovering and looking to open one or two new locations next quarter as staffing and school spacing allows.

Thank you to the many families who have emailed, called and reached out to principals and site staff with questions about our programs. We are listening and appreciate you sharing your needs for childcare. The best thing you can do is to talk to your principal about your need for Camp Fire to re-open at your school. As we continue discussions with the school district, understanding family needs and where these needs are will help us create a plan for next school year.
Registration is now open for
· Full Day Program during in-service/no school, February 26
· Spring Break Camp, March 5-12, 2021
· Before and After School Programs through May 20, 2021
To register, visit this link. Please put your name on the waitlist if we are full at your school. We are assessing opening new locations, as well as expanding our capacity at current sites as needed.

The best news we have to report is that all of our summer camps will be open this summer!! We are really looking forward to getting back to Camp K (mid-June through July) and to run both Camp Si-La-Meo (June 1-August 6) and Summer Adventure Camp (June 1-July 30) similarly to last year. All camps will be operating at reduced numbers due to continued health and safety recommendations, so we encourage you to register early to secure a spot for your kids. Summer registration will open on March 17, 2021. We will have a full camp update coming to you in early March with all the details.

We do understand that many of you are interested to know what our plans are for the 2021-22 school year. Please know that we are working with our partners on a plan for next year and will have more information to share in early April. Thank you for your patience.

Dates: January 19—May 20, 2021
Hours: 7-9:30am and 3-6pm (6:30pm in Eagle River)
Locations: Abbott Loop, Alpenglow, Chester Valley, Chugiak, Denali, Government Hill, Muldoon, North Star, Ocean View, Ravenwood, Scenic Park,
Dates: January 19—May 20, 2021
Hours: 7-9:30am
Locations: Tyson
Dates: February 26
Hours: 7am to 6pm (6:30pm in Eagle River)
Locations: Loussac Library and Alpenglow Elementary
Dates: March 5-12, 2021
Hours: 7am to 6pm (6:30pm in Eagle River)
Locations: Anchorage and Eagle River, exact locations TBD

Register Here.
We look forward to seeing your kids back at Camp Fire and helping them adjust to being back in school.