Moving Forward Part Two: Rural Alaska Program

In 2021, the continuation of a remote distribution model for a second summer was a huge challenge to face. Yet, with the adaptation of delivery into an all-inclusive distribution model, we learned so much about the curriculum and activities we had to offer. We expanded our activity kits to be for families, youth, and teens as well as introduced kits for Elders. The activities offered in these kits help youth and teens find their spark, lift their voice, and discover who they are both as an individual and as a community member. With our family kits and program goal to foster intergenerational connectedness, our activities bring youth, teens, families and Elders together. This helps youth and teens feel connected to their culture and community. From our learnings last year and feedback regarding our distribution model, we envision offering communities the choice between in-person or distribution, and we have a few communities that have chosen this over in-person programming for the summer of 2022. We feel at ease and ready to deliver going into this new year!
Our Rural Alaska Program Team is most looking forward to our return to in-person programming. We’re enthusiastic about continuing community events, as these serve to bring Elders, youth, and teens together, while also providing additional opportunities for Elders to share their knowledge. We are excited to share that we have developed a Rural Afterschool Pilot Program. When implemented, this will provide over 100 days of after school programming in one rural Alaska Native community. We know there is both a need and want for this kind of program, and our start is intentional and purposeful. From one future pilot site, we hope to expand to more communities.