Lights on Afterschool
In communities today, 19.4 million children take care of themselves after the school day ends. Afterschool programs help keep kids safe, support families and inspire learning. Join us, along with more than 8,000 afterschool programs nationwide, in celebrating our afterschool programs.

We ask that you help show your support by carving a Camp Fire Jack-o-lantern and display it on Oct. 22nd, National Lights on Afterschool Day.

Below you will find an outline of the Camp Fire logo.
1. Cut on the dotted lines to make a stencil.
2. Trace and carve onto any pumpkin of your choice.
3. Take a picture and post it to your favorite social media platform and tag Camp Fire Alaska @campfireak or email it to us at We would love to see!
4. Share this activity with friends and family!
5. Display on October 22nd, National Lights on Afterschool Day.
Click here to get the printable stencil!