Go Blue Day 2023 with Alaska Children’s Trust

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and to help raise awareness, many local organizations came together to host a Go Blue Day event at the Fairview Recreation Center in Anchorage, Alaska on March 31st.

At the event, everyone was encouraged to wear blue to show their support for the cause. There were several activities and resources available for families, including free snacks, crafts, and educational materials about preventing child abuse and neglect. Camp Fire’s Marshmallow even made a special guest appearance as the event emcee! Children who stopped by our table got to partake in the Marshmallow Challenge: build a structure using spaghetti, masking tap, some string and with a marshmallow on the top!

It was inspiring to see so many families and members of our community come together to support such an important cause. Child abuse and neglect can have long-lasting effects on a child’s life, and it’s crucial that we all work together to prevent it. By participating in events like Go Blue Day, we can show our support and help raise awareness about the issue.

At Camp Fire Alaska, we’re dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of children and families across Alaska. We’re proud to have partnered with Alaska Children’s Trust for this event and to have had the opportunity to engage with families and children about the importance of child abuse prevention.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Go Blue Day and helped make it a success, and thank you to VOA Alaska for capturing these incredible photos of our time. Together, we can continue working towards a world where all children are safe and protected.