Camp Fire Alaska | Light the Fire Within

Payment Info


Camp Fire offers the convenience of automatic online payments. There is a 2% convenience fee for credit card payments and a 1% convenience fee for ACH payments. Automatic payments are processed on the first business day of the month during the school year and follows the selected payment plan schedule during the summer season. If you prefer future payments to paid by paper check or cash, please reach out to our finance team by calling (907) 279-3551 option 2 or email us at




  • Registration is done online.
  • If you encounter a message that the program you are registering for is full, we recommend you add your name to the waitlist when prompted. We pull names from our waitlist as space becomes available.
Fee Information
  • Registration Fee: $50 per child annual fee per calendar year for all pro­grams; non-refundable and non-trans­ferable.
  • Deposit: $35 deposit per child, per summer session; non-refundable and non-transferable. School year deposit of $35 only charged for families enrolling for the full school year.
  • There are no refunds or credits for non-atten­dance, illness, vacation, or suspensions.
  • A $25 late payment fee will be added on the 6th of each month that an account is past due.
  • A $10 fee will be added for returned ACH transactions.
  • A $15 late pick-up fee will be added every fifteen minutes per child.
  • No pro-rated, hourly or daily rates are available.
  • If you enroll on or before the 15th, you will be charged the full monthly rate (school year only).
  • If you enroll after the 15th, you will be charged half the monthly rate (school year only).
  • Monthly fees will be adjusted if there are 15 days or less of care due to the start and end of a school year or winter and spring breaks (school year only).
  • Third-Party authorizations, contracts or paper­work must accompany the registration packet to avoid paying the full amount of the registration fee and deposit at the time of registration.
  • Additionally, registering adults are responsible for ensuring authorizations, contracts, or paperwork from their third-party agency remains current at all times.
  • Under state regulations, Child Care Assistance will only pay for days your child actually attends Camp Fire. You are personally responsible for all fees assistance does not cover.
  • Scholarships are available to those who qualify. Scholarship information is here.


  • Fees for the entire season, are automatically added to family accounts upon completing registration.
  • Each month’s fee is due by the 1st of the month. For example, February program fees are due February 1st.
  • Invoices/Confirmations and Statements will be issued on the 20th of each month.
  • Changes to enrollment must be sent in writing to by the 15th of the month prior to the requested month of change.


2024-2025 School Year Costs

After School Program $560/month, except for Aquarian, which is $490/month

Questions? Contact our office at 279-3551, Monday-Friday, from 8 am – 5 pm.

Annual Registration Fee per child = $50 one-time fee covers all programs.
Deposit = $35 per session/per child, credited to session cost.
Registration fees and deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.


  • Invoices/Confirmations will begin being issued in April for summer sessions. Payments can be made at any time prior to invoicing.
  • Weekly session fees are due 4-weeks prior to the start of the session. For example, the camp session that starts on June 2nd needs to be paid in full by May 5th.
  • If payments are not made in full by the 4-week deadlines, youth will be removed from the session roster. Notifications will be sent via email.
  • Cancellations made at least four weeks prior to the session start date will receive a full refund, minus the non-refundable deposit.
  • Cancellations between 4 weeks and 2 weeks prior to the session start date will be eligible for a 50% refund.
  • Cancellations less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the session are non-refundable.


$405/5-day week

$325/4-day week

$65/optional field trip add-on


$435/5-day session

$350/Week of Juneteenth (4-day session)

$870/2-week CIT session

$65/optional field trip add-on


Recognizing that families have different abilities to pay camp fees, Camp Fire Alaska has instituted a three-tier fee system for Camp K.

A tiered payment system allows you to identify the payment option that is most affordable for your family while still ensuring that all campers receive the same camp experience no matter what families pay. To further ensure that all children have the wonderful opportunity to attend camp, financial assistance is available for families who cannot afford Tier 3. To apply for a scholarship click here.

Thank you to our donors for making scholarships and tiered pricing possible.

Why is Camp Fire offering these pricing options?

  • To provide access and remove barriers to high quality, safe, fun and inclusive summer camps for all children
  • To build and strengthen a diverse community where every person is valued
  • To preserve Camp K for generations to come

We are grateful to our individual and corporate donors for investing in our campers and making it possible to offer subsidized rates to families who need it. While this in no way influences the experience children receive, it does offer families who are able the opportunity to participate in supporting the true cost of summer camp.

What the tiers mean.

Tier I—True Cost Rate. This is the highest rate and more closely represents the true cost of camp, inclusive of all direct costs plus maintenance, insurance, utilities, equipment, etc.


Tier II—Partially Subsidized Rate. This is the mid-tier rate that helps to offset Camp K’s operating costs, but does not reflect the true cost of operating summer camp programs.


Tier III—Subsidized Rate. This is the lowest rate, which is as close as possible to the rate Camp Fire Alaska has historically offered. This price also does not reflect the true cost of operating summer camp programs.


The Camp Fire Alaska main office operates on the ancestral land of the Dena’ina people. Camp Fire Alaska runs programing on the lands of the Athabascan, Yup’ik, Chup’ik, Sougpiaq, and Inupiaq peoples. We value and thank them for their current and historic commitment to and protection of this land. We pledge to assist, in partnership, in the environmental stewardship of these lands. We strive to learn more about the history of the Native peoples of Alaska and the historic trauma they have suffered. We commit to being an active ally through activities, actions, and organizational decisions and practices. We understand that this is a dynamic process through which our Land Acknowledgement practices, and statement will evolve as we receive feedback from tribal partners and acquire a deeper understanding of and from the Native peoples of Alaska..  (v2)