Hello Camp Fire Families,

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open for all Camp Fire sites. This includes after school programs, half days, full days, as well as winter and spring break. Camp Fire’s monthly after school fees do not include half or full day programming. All half day, full day, and breaks require a separate registration.

Camp Fire plans to operate full day, winter and spring break programs at Alpenglow and Rogers Park Elementary Schools. These sites are subject to change based on availability from the Anchorage School District. Camp Fire will notify families if any changes in location occur. Camp Fire charges a $35 deposit for each option that you enroll in. This deposit will apply to the full cost of that option. The after school program as a whole is just one $35 deposit and then any additional options will have their own $35 deposit.

When you are making your selections for the after school program, you will see each month listed separately. You must select all 10 months to complete your registration. Several months are pro-rated due to a reduction in program days. Camp Fire is excited to announce that after school programs at Chugach Optional and Gladys Wood Elementary schools will re-open for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration for these programs will also open on March 19 with all other sites.

Rates for the upcoming school year are below. Aquarian and Chugach Optional have a different schedule than other ASD schools so their rates are listed separately. All other schools will have the same after school monthly rate.

After School Monthly- $590

Aquarian After School Monthly- $520

Chugach Optional After School Monthly-$535

Camp Fire will continue to offer scholarships as funds allow. Scholarship information and links to the applications are available on our website and will also be available in the document center when you login to your UltraCamp account. If you have any questions about fall registration, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at our main office: 907-257-8805.


Click here to register now!