Though time has passed and Typhoon Merbok is out of the headlines of the news, the impact of this devastating natural disaster is still being felt by many communities in Alaska, their families, and the state as a whole. We are still in conversation with multiple communities as we continue to make efforts to provide what we can from their lists of need. Thank you to everyone who brought donations to program sites and to the main office during our Relief Drive!


With the help of your donations and our partners, we were able to send 5 communities a collective total of 1,445 lbs of fresh produce from Meyer’s Farm! Communities who received produce were Chevak, Scammon Bay, Toksook Bay, Newtok & Kotlik.


7 communities have been sent care packages with donation drive supplies including:

Anti-acid Tablets

Anti-diarrhea Tablets


Cleaning Rags

Cloth Masks

Cough Drops

Disinfecting Wipes

Duct Tape


First-aid Alcohol Prep Pads

Garbage Bags

Hand Sanitizer



Laundry Detergent Pods

Particulate Masks

Reusable Bags

Reusable Water Bottles

Small Flashlights (batteries included)

Socks- men’s, women’s & youth


Sterile Gloves

Water Purification Tablets