Camp Fire Alaska does a Holiday Service Learning Project!

This holiday season, we partnered with RuralCAP’s Elder Mentor Program on a Service Learning Project.
The Elder Mentor Program has been improving children’s success in Head Start, classroom and other community settings across Alaska for more than 35 years. Elder Mentors serve through the national Senior Corps Program and volunteer in school programs. They offer support and create intergenerational relationships with students, which are critical for healthy child development.
Not only do we find the work they do amazing, we also find it absolutely necessary for the children in our community. We wanted to take the opportunity to thank the work of these volunteers over the holidays.
As an agency, Camp Fire Alaska adopted elder mentors in Anchorage and Eagle River as a thank you for all they contribute to our schools and communities. Our administrative staff and School Age Program sites created personalized holiday baskets that we gave to each elder last week.
Through this project, we furthered our commitment to social and emotional learning and culturally responsive programming.
Thank you again for all that you do for children and culture in the community!
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